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Guidelines for Peacock's branding.

Being a community project, we don't really have too many rules regarding our media presence, but there are a few things that you should in mind, when you reference our project, use our logo, or promote us.


Our logo (The Peacock Feather Logo), may be obtained below (free of charge), provided you agree to the following terms:

  • Do not edit, modify, distort, recolor, or reconfigure the logo in any way, except for rotating it or resizing it for use in a larger picture related to Peacock.
  • You may not claim you created it, or use it outside of directly referencing or promoting our project.
  • In the case that you use the logo inside a larger picture, you may not overlay it with anything. It must be completely on top of all other image layers.
  • You may not use the logo to spread false information, rumors, or leaks relating to Peacock or HITMAN™.
  • The logo may not be used for any commercial purposes without prior written authorization from a project staff member.
Peacock Feather Logo

The Peacock Feather Logo, made by Karma4D, based of the original by rdil.

.PNG.PNG (Alpha)


Please refer to Peacock using one of the following terms:

  • The Peacock Project
  • Peacock

To prevent confusion, please avoid using these terms:

  • peacock
  • Peacock Server
  • The Peacock Server
  • Peacock Emulator